SmartSensor Insights™

Search, analyze, visualize and act on your energy data with the flexible, secure and cost effective energy management platform service.



Unify your Energy Data on a flexible platform

Analysis and reporting of energy data for EHS, facilities management and engineers. Make financial and process decisions to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon.

Meter, Sensor & Data accessibility

Access and search data from any source and across any device.

Business insights

Share data-driven energy insights across your enterprise.

Usability and collaboration

Remove data silos in your organization to work smarter across all of your user groups.



SmartSensor Insights™ Platform

Analysis and reporting of energy data for EHS, facilities management and engineers. Make financial and process decisions to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon.

Energy Analysis

Identify, at a glance, the poorest performing parts of your organisation enabling fast detection of issues. This can be done through advanced visualisation tools such as energy maps, heat maps, cost maps, regression analysis and baseload analytics.

Bill Verification

Verify your utility bill kWh consumption by comparing it with metered data from Advisor and resolve billing overcharging from your utility supplier. Easily identify discrepancies, generate reports as evidence so you only pay for what you use.

Automated Reports

A full suite of automated management reports can be selected and customised to be operational based – focused on kWh usage, financial based – focused on costs and cost savings or a mixture of both. Custom reports can be developed to match specific formats.

Public Dashboards

Generate engagement with energy management programs to put business unit performance in front of the team and provide live easy to understand color coded metrics for the team to monitor.

Hardware Integration

Our platform is hardware agnostic and integrates with industry standard protocols to ingest your current or new energy meters and sensors data.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measure the improvement or deterioration in the performance of an activity critical to the success of your business and empower management and operations teams.