
Optimize energy operations

Managing hotels may include overseeing a large number of structures with various installed systems or energy patterns. It can be challenging to manage them all while taking advantage of the finest possibilities to lower their usage.

"SmartSensor Insights™ can help you benchmark your hotels and know at a glance which sites have a greater ROI, and which energy saving measures are most effective for each location"

Find out how much of each type of energy you use based on how many people are staying at your hotel and other factors like the temperature outside. You can make personalized reports for the hotel owners if you want to keep them up to date.

Moving the Hotels Hospitality Energy Efficiency experience to the next level

Detect which hotel are super-inefficient to avoid customer complaints

Set comfort thresholds and get alerted if something is going wrong

Keep track of how much energy costs, automatic and regular reports are sent

SmartSensor Insights™ Features for Retail Use cases

Analysis and reporting of energy data for EHS, facilities management and engineers. Make financial and process decisions to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon.

Energy Analysis

Bill Verification

Automated Reports

Public Dashboards

Hardware Integration



Manage your Energy Analytics at Scale

Providing real-time visibility across the enterprise and AI insights to minimize energy consumption, utilities costs and carbon emissions.

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